Postpartum Must Haves For Baby #2

Postpartum Must-Haves
For Baby #2
I would like to believe, after popping out 1 kid, that us moms have a bit of an understanding of how things go after we give birth.
It Sucks.
There's no other way of putting it. Yes we are distracted with out new bundle of joy, and getting visitors, yada yada yada...but when you take that away, at the end of the day, we are so very sore. I mean, we just popped a 7-8 pound baby out of our whoohaa!
After I had my first child, I unfortunately had torn during labor. I had gotten an epidural, as I am a complete wimp, and asked for every drug they could give me! So at the time, I wasn't feeling any of the discomfort or pain.
For the 2 weeks after I gave birth, I was so very sore in the downstairs department, and completely regret not looking into postpartum more. Not only was I in pain, but I had extremely bad Baby Blues, so my poor hubby was basically taking care of 2 babies for a while, as I'm sure I was crying as much as the baby!
I also had issues with my stitches for my tear, and took a while longer to heal than it normally would, which you know, is just lovely.
So this time around, I have done my research on Postpartum, and have come up with a list of Must-Haves to help with healing. I was to be as comfortable as possible and heal as quickly as possible as not only do I have to take care of a new born, but a 4 year old as well.
These are my Must-Haves to heal after delivery!
1. Breast Pads
I had these for my last pregnancy, and they were amazing. I use the night time pads as I find they are thicker, and it saves my bra's and shirts from becoming messy from leaking! they are great little pads to have with you!
2. Epsom Salts
I was told to use this after I had my first child, and it worked wonders for me. I love taking baths, so its perfect for relaxing, soothing sore muscles, healing your lower parts, aching limbs, etc. I have stocked up on this for after the baby is born!
3. Always Maxi Pads
These are great for after your out of the hospital and no longer need your mesh panties! You will likely have light bleeding for a couple of weeks, so these are a godsend. I use the largest, nighttime always maxi pads to have the extra coverage.
4. Women's Depends
Right after labor, usually most hospitals give you some sort of very large mesh panties for the heavy bleeding. It usually last a couple of days, and from experience, the hospital panties are not the most comfortable, or have the best coverage. This time around, after doing some research, I seen a lot of moms-to-be have been buying Depends to use for after delivery, instead of the hospital version. The depends are way more comfortable and have more coverage than any other you might get from the hospital. So I decided this time around, to give them a shot! I will update my post after I have the baby, to let you all know how they faired!
5. Witch Hazel
I found this to be on the rise for moms-to-be for Postpartum healing. Before doing some research on it, I had not actually heard of witch hazel before, so I had to use trusty google to see what it really was, and the uses. Witch Hazel, helps for swelling (inflammation), itching, and pain. Some moms had put it in a spray bottle, to spray it on the "affected" area, which I think is much easier than applying it with a cloth. I'm hoping all the hype I've heard about it is true, and that it does help with the discomfort after delivery. I will also be doing an update on this post as well, after I've had a chance to use it. (fingers crossed!)
6. Nursing Bra's
With my last child, I was so certain that I would breastfeed her. I had the breast pumps, nursing bra's, everything. Turned out, after being in labor for a very long time, I just wasn't able to do it. I ended up with terrible baby blues, and wasn't able to handle breastfeeding at all. So We bottle fed. This time around, I sort of know what to expect, for the most part, and I know there's a chance I may not be able to breastfeed again. I'm more prepared, and if I cant, that's alright too. I bought 2 nursing bra's, that I will still use, because really, who wants to wear super tight bra's when they're boobs are sore and engorged and what not. These are a must!
7. Suppositories
I did not use these after my first child, and I completely regret it. Do you realize how hard it is to poop, after having a baby. It is extremely hard, sometimes painful, and uncomfortable. These will make things go a little...smoother, if you will.
8. Gel Ice Packs
Gel ice packs are GREAT! you will likely get some while you are in the hospital, but you will want some for when you home. I decided to make my own DIY gel packs this time around, using 1/4 rubbing alcohol, and 3/4 of water, put it in a Ziploc bag and through it in the freezer. It will get super cold, but will not freeze, which makes them perfect to put on your whoohaa to help the swelling! if you don't want to make your own, you can usually get them at Walmart, or even dollar stores.
9. Large Panties
Last thing you will be worries about after the baby is born, is how you look. I usually buy a pack of panties that are a size or 2 bigger, so that I am comfortable, and can fit ice packs, and giant pads in them with no problem! Believe me, you will not care if you look sexy in them or not!
10. Squirt Bottle
You will more than likely receive on of these at the hospital, and be able to bring it home. It will be the only thing you will want to clean yourself with after having the baby. Believe me, trying to wipe after using the washroom, is a huge mistake! You will be just way to sensitive, and this little squirt bottle will help things out!
11. Cabbage
Yup, you heard me, cabbage. With my first, since I couldn't breast feed, my breasts became engorged and very sore. My mother had heard that playing a cabbage in the fridge, and then placing the very cold leaves onto your breast, help with the pain. So that's what I did, after the cabbage was in the fridge for a couple of hours, I would wash a couple of the leaves, and place them in my bra, for up to an hour each, and after a couple of days, my milk started to dry up.
These are my Must haves for now that I find I will need the most! Not to mention Tylenol for pain! I will be doing an update probably in a few days, to let you all know how they worked out, as I will be having my little munchkin tomorrow!!!
What are some of your must-haves for after delivery to help you heal?


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